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New Apple Iphone 5 64gb Unlocked & BlackBerry Porsche P’9981 with Special Pin and Arabic Keyboard .. BBM PIN: 28882225

  • تصنيف الإعلان: معروض للبيع
  • البلد: United Arab Emirates
  • المدينة: Dubai
  • التليفون: 05646756
  • أٌضيف : 17 مارس, 2013 6:35 م
  • إنتهاء : هذا الإعلان أنتهت صلاحيته
New Apple Iphone 5 64gb Unlocked & BlackBerry Porsche P’9981 with Special Pin and Arabic Keyboard .. BBM PIN: 28882225
New Apple Iphone 5 64gb Unlocked & BlackBerry Porsche P'9981 with Special Pin and Arabic Keyboard .. BBM PIN: 28882225 - صورة1New Apple Iphone 5 64gb Unlocked & BlackBerry Porsche P'9981 with Special Pin and Arabic Keyboard .. BBM PIN: 28882225 - صورة2New Apple Iphone 5 64gb Unlocked & BlackBerry Porsche P'9981 with Special Pin and Arabic Keyboard .. BBM PIN: 28882225 - صورة3


Salam buy new mobiles … Free delivery to all address in UAE / QATAR /KSA /OMAN/KUWAIT & Other Middle East Countries

Please note: This phone is fully Original unlocked and can be used with any SIM card. No

activation required

New Lunched BB TK Victory, BB 10 Dev Alpha & BB Porsche P’9981 with Arabic Keyboards and

Specail Pins … 2222AAAA,22AA22AA,2A2A2A2A

(Promo Offer Buy 2 get 1 Free + get 30% discounts on 5 units)

BlackBerry Porsche P’9981: $600
Blackberry Z10: $500
Blackberry Q10: $450

Apple Iphone 5 64GB: $650
Apple Iphone 5 32GB: $600
Apple Iphone 5 16GB: $550

Samsung Galaxy S3: $450
Samsung Note 2: $400

Name: Mohammed
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: [email protected]
GTLAK: [email protected]
Skype: Alhakim_inc
BBM: 28882225

الرقم المرجعي للإعلان : 7551460c473a9bc


661 مجموع المشاهدات, 0 اليوم


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